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    Understanding Business Chemistry and Ways to Improve Team Collaboration

    Date: May 16, 2019, 11:45am
    Northern Alaska SHRM Chapter
    Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
    Bentley Room, take the main lobby elevators to the 5th floor, turn left when exiting the elevator and go straight to the Bentley room entrance.

    150 Cowles
    Fairbanks, Alaska
    Free for NASHRM members
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    Our new start time is 11:45 a.m. for sign-in, with the program running from 12PM-1PM. A full hour of educational instruction is required for SHRM-CP/SCP Credit. This presentation has been approved for SHRM and HRCI credits.


    Kelly Collins and Jessica Hill will define the four types of primary work styles within the Business Chemistry Model, and discuss ways apply these primary work styles to improve teambuilding and to encourage a culture of high performing teams.  Participants will:

    • Complete the abbreviated version of the Business Chemistry Self-Assessment
    • Understand the four types of work styles under the Business Chemistry Model (Pioneers, Drivers, Guardians, Integrators)
    • Learn how to apply the Business Chemistry Model by better understanding themselves and others
    • Review common characteristics of high performing teams
    • Brainstorm effective teambuilding strategies

    Kelly Collins is a lifelong Alaskan, currently employed as HR Manager with Foundation Health Partners.  Kelly is a 2008 and 2010 UAF Alum, with a BA and MBA in management. Kelly began her career in the banking industry working her way up to a management role, and at that point found a great interest in pursuing a career in HR.  With an initial push from a longtime friend (Jessica Hill), she has now worked as an HR professional for the past seven years and has found that the foundation of her success has come from building and maintaining relationships.  Kelly has been a SHRM member for the past five years, attending the local chapter meetings for the past three years.

    Jessica Hill was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado and moved to Fairbanks in 2006. She is currently employed as an Employee Relations Business Partner at Foundation Health Partners. Jessica received her bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism with a Minor in Sports Management at UAF in 2010. After working within the broadcast and banking industries, Jessica found her passion within HR specializing in recruiting and employee relations for the past seven years. Jessica has been a SHRM member for two years and joined the NASHRM Board as the Webmaster & Social Media Director in January of 2019.

    Kelly and Jessica have worked together for the past nine years, and have paired up to publicly speak on various Leadership Development topics primarily relating to Human Resources.

    NASHRM will no longer be providing lunch, as such, there is no fee for NASHRM members to attend the training. Lunch can be obtained at the Café at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, or you may bring your lunch. Training will start promptly at noon. Please arrive early enough to get your lunch and be present in the training room for an on-time start.


    Note: While NASHRM strongly encourages its members to attend the monthly training in person, we recognize that in-person attendance is not always possible. In May, NASHRM will offer a trial period to allow members who cannot attend the training in person to participate through UberConference. You may either call in on the phone or join the call via the weblink. 

     Join the call:

    Optional dial-in number: 907-290-7680

    No PIN needed